Solar Energy

Denmark: Agreement for nature-friendly renewable projects

European Energy and the Danish Society for Nature Conservation have developed a new nature agreement ensuring the restoration and protection of nature where it is most needed. Simultaneously, future renewable energy projects from European Energy in Denmark will take even greater consideration of Danish nature, in part by the partners developing biodiversity and nature initiatives targeted at energy parks.

The agreement contains nine joint guidelines for new renewable energy projects that European Energy will follow when developing solar and wind parks in Denmark.

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“Climate and biodiversity crises can have catastrophic consequences for life on the planet. The solutions to the climate crisis must not prevent us from simultaneously addressing the biodiversity crisis, or vice versa. Therefore, I hope that this agreement can help influence the entire energy sector. It is absolutely necessary that we consider nature from the outset when developing new renewable energy projects,” says Maria Reumert Gjerding, president of the Danish Society for Nature Conservation.

„Demonstrate that the fight for nature and climate can be united“

She continues: “Sometimes, public debate frames nature and climate action as opposites, suggesting that nature hinders the development of renewable energy. We, at the Danish Society for Nature Conservation and European Energy, regard this as a false dichotomy. With this agreement, we demonstrate that the fight for nature and climate can be united if one thinks carefully and makes an effort. Therefore, I am very proud of the agreement.”

European Energy has long focused on enhancing biodiversity and local nature in its projects. With the agreement with the Danish Society for Nature Conservation, the company hopes to benefit from the organization’s nationwide expertise in nature and looks forward to strengthened local collaboration.

For every 100 ha of a solar park 5 ha purchased for nature

“We are incredibly pleased that the agreement provides us closer cooperation with some of Denmark’s leading enthusiasts and experts in nature management and protection. This enables us to more positively impact local Danish nature and biodiversity when we develop and construct renewable energy projects,” says Thorvald Spanggaard, Executive Vice President of Project Development at European Energy.

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A core element of the collaboration is to give nature more space, both within and outside project areas. This includes purchasing land for permanent restoration, protection, and management of wild nature. This means European Energy commits to purchasing land for permanent nature purposes every time a solar or wind park is built in Denmark. Specifically, for every 100 hectares of land European Energy uses for a solar park, five hectares of land will be purchased for nature. For each wind turbine installed, one hectare of land will be purchased. The land purchase will be conducted in collaboration with The Danish Nature Fund. (hcn)

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