Ampace is one of the big solar battery suppliers. What are the reasons for your success?

Tim Yuan: For the last few years we have grown our business really fast. With our strong customer support, we gained some business success. We are quite focused on what we are doning. We have different business applications like the energy storage systems, like the power pack batteries and the microelectrical vehicles.

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It is a wide range of technology, isn‘t it?

We are always keep refining and innovating new technology. That helps our customer gain success. In the energy storage system, last year we were the first company to launch our Quinlan sales. That can prolong the product life to 15,000 cycles, with the State of Health of 80 SoC. Last year we also launched the Queen Euro with BP chemistry for the power product. And we also launched our jumper power battery. I think this is the most powerful product in the market. This year we launched the unique series for the microelectrical vehicle.

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The full temperature control technology adopted in your battery modules is really innovative. What benefits does it bring to your customers in practice?

For the traditional product, they usually use zero liquid cooling or the air conditioner. But for our product, we developed a special technology without a liquid cooling and without air conditioner.

Big storage systems for solar projects and investors

That’s very interesting because you have less service parts. How does this benefit the cost side?

This simplified structure can improve the reliability and reduce the operation downtime. I think that’s very important for our customers. Compared with the conventional product, their energy consumption loss is about 1.56 %, round about half of the losses in conventional systems. Less losses mean more energy output.

More about new storage systems

How many kilowatt-hours would we talk here?

This system is about 256 kilowatt-hours. It can support one CP and even two CP.

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What are the markets you are aiming at? Which markets are these temperature controls tailored for?

For the European market, because they have a very high standard requirement for  safety and product quality. Because we also developed a new technology like the cell share technology. This technology is good for the prevention of thermal run away. For example, if there is a one cell triggered by thermal run away, the heat will be isolated from the surrounding cells. We also developed a directional explosion venting system. In some extreme cases many cells get out of control. The directional venting system leads the pressure out with our design.

Interview by Manfred Gorgus

If you want to know more about the system, please look here.

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